what you thot??? I am surprised or something??? then you are wrong..
though it is a catchphrase widely used..this post is based on the real meaning a Holy Cow!! hope u all know it very well..we have seen near the temples..especially in the Tamil Nadu region.. the stylish cows in the world..those ornamented ones..u wud see such only in INDIA nowhere else..
In some places in South India.. its also used as a decoy in houses.. so as to protect the place where it is kept and the people in them from evil eyes..
getting in to the matter soon,
The truly modern and different setup of the office where i work now is the topic..
i know it is the best i deserve in the world.. i am aware of it..but m totally unaware which factor turned me from a white to a black.. something started to absorbed my confidence and energy with each day i passed here.. and today i am just the fritters of myself.. i m just an hollow inside me..
i must confess one thing that this is the one place i have ever seen soo much of ideas and creativeness put together in sucha way that every eyes would startle at first before they are completely inside.. even a pen holder here is something unique.. i admire the brains behind this effort..
and where ever i go i will be an exception.. if not always..mostly..
they have placed the caricatures of every staffs just above their heads on the wall.. it looks so different.. so funny.. that i never found any of the visitor left without a comment on it.. the exception of me here is that.. instead of a caricature of mine.. the thing which has been hung above me is a head of an ornamented HOLY COW!! :)how ridiculous??
i never felt anything while people used to make fun of me.. saying.. "akshaya u looks great in your caricature.." and i gives them a loud laugh to not disappoint them.. :)
gradually i got used to everyone's silly comments and i accepted it as my own image.. :).. it was then after some days i happen to hear the song from the movie "akale".. which has been made from the American classic play "The Glass Menagerie"
a story about an handicapped gal "Laura"..who loved collecting crystal statues.. who was so introvert.. who lived in her own world.. who always kept a secret space in her head for herself.. too shy.. For her, the real world was just an illusion. The private world in which she lives is populated by glass animals—objects that, like Laura’s inner life, are incredibly fanciful and dangerously delicate.
[“She is like a piece of her own glass collection, too exquisitely fragile…”]
[One day her irresponsible brother Tom brings home his Friend Jim for dinner who schooled with Laura and Tom years ago. she gets too shy and nervous that she became an alien in her own house seeing Jim with whom she had a crush during her schooldays..she was petrified to see him again.. but for her disappointment he shows no trace of remembrance..

after so many dark days she started disclosing her mind to someone alive.. Jim encourages her to be more self-confident. he took her hand and started to dance with her. it was a first time in her life some one offers her a chance to dance being crippled legged.. Unfortunately, Jim bumps a table, knocking over a glass unicorn figurine. The horn breaks, making the figurine just like the rest of the horses. Surprisingly, Laura is able to laugh about the situation. She clearly likes Jim. and he declares:
"Somebody needs to build your confidence up and make you proud instead of shy and turning away and—blushing—Somebody ought to—ought to—kiss you, Laura!"
and he kissed!! ]
her frozen complexes melts with the movements of their lips.. as a dream world creature it was too easy for her to slip in to foreseeing about a life with Jim.. a world for just both of them..
Yet, a moment after the kiss, Jim backs away and bends himself after her asking for forgiveness saying he was already engaged to another gal called Betty..
When he explains that he will not be back to visit again, Laura bravely smiles. She offers him the broken figurine .. the horn less unicorn..as a souvenir.
she was broken.. like her unicorn.. so her horn too disappeared..in a hand she gets out of her private world..she learns to fight and live in the reality..
the incident makes Tom regret on how he hurt his dear sister.. he regrets for bringing her to worst of the situation than before which made him leave his house and run away.. he escaped....... but his dear sister Laura was always on his mind......
The final lines by TOM:
" Oh, Laura, Laura, I tried to leave you behind me, but I am more faithful than I intended to be! I reach for a cigarette, I cross the street, I run into the movies or a bar, I buy a drink, I speak to the nearest stranger—anything that can blow your candles out! For nowadays the world is lit by lightning! Blow out your candles, Laura – and so good-bye… "
This is Lauras story.. she was a beautiful unicorn with a single horn.. but i am here a holy cow!! with two sharp big horns.. :) not so breakable as crystals..
dont know when it started growing out of my scalp.. but it really ruined my SELF.. i am some one else.. i cant speak loudly when i am here.. i cant even look at anyone with a straight head.. they have buried me somewhere and i am just a living dead..