
a day commencing.. with cLimate eFFectiOn!!

it was a gloomy sorta day..begin with a rapid jerk at home..without ma moby its seriously soo weary and the weather condition added flavour to ma dimness,i got out frm home walk the entire way recollecting the humor explosions happnd in the previous days with iK5..soon after i completed the half way to ma bus stop.. with ma mouths wide..giggling at the TREMENDOUS funny dilaogs thrown out by each f d iK5's,a lady takin a morning walk started staring at me with amazement.. it is not a new thing actually.. it happnd several times be4..she might be thinking that this fluffy girl had gone MAD .. i gave her a mishcievous smile and heave ma way..

i got in to ma bus..payed fr the ticket and made maself on "BUSY mode",peepin ma heads outa the windows for "maamoos"..amused myeyes by chillin them with the colors he he..it was 6:50 am,the morning was just breakin out..suddenly the thot of keepin on the same routine slapped ma mind..nd i went grumpy..the atmosphere became "blue" instead of fresh morning orange..i lost ma first train ..munna left in that..i walk against the Ladys Waiting Room nd waited fr the second train with clumpsy mind..The TRAIN:PUSH-PULL ;mourned nd arrived..i ran like PT Usha to reach fr the WOMENS ONLY compartment..made a wrestle with the aunties who are smarter and stronger than me..and stepped in.. there was paachu sarcastically makin indications to show the empty berth,where we used to climb for our second segment of sleep :)[only whn paachu n me are ter :),no one can atleast close teir eyes fr a sec f all kootharas r present].for a moment we stayed still confirming the voice of the "chutny vada seller".. v bot two plates and scrambled for our cradle. v ate it vit craving minds nd starving stomach..we wiped our hands with the piece of newspaper carried by our great "paachu mon"[this is d 1 n only 1 greatest plus point f hers].. hmm usually v plugs in the head phones fr a musical nap..but today as i lost ma moby..she also left the stuff inside her bag[hmm friends sacrifices a lot fr friends]..we missed the others nd the topic f our pre sleep talk consisited the missing members "Munnaaa,Panguu nd Kuttu"..

Dont know whn sleep ushered us.we slept peacefully on the iron rods nd wooden flaps so comfartably than on spongy-sofy beds at home..i opend ma eyes with disappointment whn paachu scratched me annoyingly on ma back ;)..i jumped up then we started combing our hairs..with the same emotion on the face- "GLOOMINESS". the train stopped wrenching hardly nd ma head hit on the iron frame of the berth..OOooooOOOOPPPzZZZ!!! pained a bit!! ..

With readymade freshness we got outa the train.. we started our usual scratching works giving hints about some good looking maamus in the station who hav just headed out frm the wagon like us...it really thrills.. but today with the gray sky nd loser feelin i cudnt make it worthy,,what we needed at that time was the other ik5'S..we forgets evrything whn v r togather..dont know wots the factor which makes us feels that way..we miss each other alwayss..even the thot about iK5 energizes ma cells :D ..[dont misunderstand],,me n paachu spoked a lil as the weather clutched our heads dramatically.. we passed the "Kovil" sayin "hey baby" to the "Devi"..and divided our path..longing to meet all the K's in the evning..on hope of havin a blast as usual..KUTTOOSEEE will miss yu badly..really really very very badly..nd we know ..you too wil do the same..The things which keep me goin the whole day is chating with ma beloved ones on office hours and waiting with spirit...heart rapidly pumping...to meet ma iK5's.. this is the TRuth... trust me!!


  1. ur missing members are panku kuttu & u missing ursil... he he

  2. "dishhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyuuummm"[our way of saying thanks.. hws itt??] for correctin d mistakee
