In my case my favrt color is RED.. i always gets attracted to what ever thing especially in crimson red color.. and always wished to own a red color swiFT.. red- the color of blood.. but ther s another hidden fact that i faints when ever i see blood.. no matter real or in photographs or movies.. :)...
If we talk about the color red, it sands for Passion and warmth..Vigor and excitement..Strength and vitality.. yes red is been loved by very rare people..It's a strong color that conjures up a range of seemingly conflicting emotions from passionate love to violence and warfare..a great poets comments "Red is Cupid and the Devil"... thats true!! theres no color on earth which belongs hugh number f negative and positive faces and meanings like this... Red also signifies "Power", hence the red color tie for business people and the red carpet for celebrities and VIPs... and the people who loves red will be always extreme in what ever they do..
Good red :
Red letter day - important or significant occasion
Red carpet treatment - make someone feel special, treat them as if they are a celebrity
Roll out the red carpet - same as above
Red sky in the morning, sailor's warning; red sky at night, sailor's delight - pay attention to good and bad warning signs
Paint the town red - celebrate, go out partying
Red eye - an overnight flight
Bad red :
Seeing red - to be angry
Red herring - something that deceives or distracts attention from the truth
In the red - being overdrawn at the bank or losing money
Red flag - denotes danger, warning, or an impending battle

just give a piece of your brain to recall this..my previous company was India Destination Tours, they calls it 'idt' in short..and my new company is Dravidian Trails in short form 'dt"... idt's logo was full in red with everything written in white.. the very same thing is what its around here too.. just like xerox.. even the tea mat..
the letter "D" or Delta in Greek means.. rich and fertile.. and the letter "T" or Tou in Greek says "life".. combing both.. "Rich Life" ... both of my employers are smart.. tricky in doing business(which is essential to climb up)... power/wealth conscious...i doubt if i have finally reached the same ocean from where a few months back i stopped rowing and took a diversion.. This similarities.. i would say hidden similarities urge me to cultivate thoughts..like.. i will have sore experiences from here too.. :D m not sure.. may be this are all just a mental impulse...
As per colorology.. people who loves same color attracts in a way or other.. in both idt & dt .. i passed the interviews eazily.. i remember the first day at idt in 2006.. i had a casual talk.. and with no risks.. selected.. i used to get nervous a bit while i was interviewed by so many other people.. but not at both these places.. there are for sure some unknown answers for all this..
i also remember long back whn i go for an interview at Muthoot hospitality..i passed the interview.. their log is also white in Red,,.. and similar kind of office settings too.. every where red and white.. :D
anyway lets try my luck.. being passionate to RED color god might have sprinkled the same powder on me also.. to meet a "Delta Tow" life ...in future..
IK's let me have all of your most favorite color too.. i will take a study about the same.. :) for the time being i don't have much works.. he he
awaiting your valuable comments.. ("")( ^ . ~ )