
a new EYE!!

to inform every kootharas!!!!

today i started using contact lenses instead of the old black spectacles...

feeling great to have erased the square frame which i kept taking where ever i go.. i never have seen anything with my naked eyes like this before.. i think so..

the frame through which i have seen all the sorrows and bad times of my past.. through which i have seen the worst of humans.. the thing which many a times blurred my vision with the kohl mixed tears of my own eyes.. :(

a change is necessary for everything,, yes that's the fact!!

lemme just dumb with the old spectacle all the bad scenes that flipped in front of me..in the dust bin and close it forever..

m feeling like a new born..really... like m seeing each and everything with the most innocent curiosity.. i can read myself.. its just excellent!!

i wish i really have one.. good eye like all of you...at the same time.. i thank god.. that he didnt leave me with a black world all around me.. even though i am half blind..and can see only things which are very closer..

There still are many in this world who lives always through night who would never be able to differentiate the beauty of sun light and the shining stars..

I am blessed!!

love you god...


  1. waiting to c u ....love urs munna

  2. yes.. really waiting to see u... we can meet on next week.. ;19th of march
